
Monday, February 13, 2012

Ain't nothin going on but the....

Well I really do not have anything new to report about my hair. It is growing, but I do not notice a huge difference. I notice that I have a lot of shrinkage. My loose hair would always shrink up on my head and my locked hair does too.  I have started to do twist-outs instead of braid-outs and have decided that the twist give my more length. I know there are people who say that they never had bad hair days with sisterlocks, but I can not make the same claim. I have had some bad hair days, but I really do not sweat it. I am just letting my hair do whatever it wants to do. I wash my hair weekly and do the occasional twist out. I will be getting my third retightening next week. That's it and that's all. I need to take some pictures so that I can have a visual record of my journey.


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