
Friday, March 30, 2012

What ? A bargain!

Oh yeah I am loving life right about now. I found this website that sells discounted accessories and makeup! Love, love, love! I love so much I have to keep using exclamation points! I actually took a picture of all the stuff I got for.....wait for it..... do I hear a drum roll? $20! That includes the tax, shipping and the handling. The best part is the stuff does not look cheap either. I will tell you the site, but you have to promise not to tell anyone else and save some stuff for me. It is called . I heard about the site from yt, someone was on there doing a giveaway of their stuff. The stuff that was picked out for the giveaway was not my favorite, but I found tons of cute stuff. Check out the picture of my "precious"  (said in Gollum's voice)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Check one, Check two, check, check, check

I am just checking in and giving an update. My next post will include some picture, I promise. I just need to find the time to have someone take some pictures of me. I hate the pictures of the reflection in the bathroom mirror look. I am trying a few youtube inspired short loc styles and I am getting a ton of compliments on my styling. I have done twist and braid outs before, but felt that pipe cleaner curls were best left on longer hair. Well I did pipe cleaner curls last weekend and received a lot of compliments on my locs. The compliments were starting to make me a little self-conscious after awhile. On a personal level, my mother is doing better after her health scare. I thought that I was going to lose her and I am so grateful that I didn't. I had a positive pregnancy test and felt so happy, thankful and blessed. Then I started bleeding. I am still trying to get over the fact that I am not pregnant and I am wondering if it will ever happen again for me. I am thankful for the family I have and I will be trying again. Wish me luck.