
Thursday, November 10, 2011

And so it begins

In August I decided to get locs but, I was not truly ready to commit to wearing my own hair. I wanted locs but, I wanted the length right now. What I ended up doing was getting locextensions and I regretted it. I spent a lot of money buying the hair and get the extensions, but was not completely happy with the results. Off to the beauty supply store for more hair and back to the salon. I still was not content. The extensions did not really do well when I washed my hair, my hair felt soggy, and I lot of the extensions fell out. I went to my back up braider and she gave me a reti and fix. At the beginning of October I decided to take out the extensions and do interlocks/nappylocs. I was satisfied but, not completely happy. I wanted the size, versatility of sisterlocks. I would take out some of the locs and try to make them smaller myself, but I was messing up the parts that way and it was taking a lot of time that I did not have. I wanted sisterlocks but, had a hard time justifying paying the money. Finally, I went to the sisterlock website and emailed some trainees and to find out what the true cost would be. Where I am at today? After doing two consults I am now waiting for my instillation on November 27,2011. I will let everyone know how it goes. And so it begins....


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